Trace Your Personal Whereabouts

Your devices are constantly telling others where you are — and this data is often sold to companies interested in your habits. When combined, this information can tell a surprisingly detailed story about your life.

Many apps use GPS tracking and cell signal triangulation to 흥신소 determine a person’s location. This type of personal tracking is generally illegal but still possible.

1. Look at Your Devices

Your computer, phone and other devices are constantly telling others where you are – whether you know it or not. This information can tell a surprisingly full story, especially when combined with other data points such as publicly available addresses, tweets, photos and your phone records.

Cell phones are particularly adept at revealing your location. The signals that your phone sends out can be triangulated with the help of cell towers to pinpoint an approximate location, and many cell providers share this information with third parties. In addition, many smartphones automatically grant access to location services for apps that aren’t even labelled as such (such as social media apps) and may be sharing this information without your knowledge.

If you want to check how easy it is for someone to trace your phone location, look at the settings on your device or in any apps that you use. Apps like Life360, Kidslox and FamiSafe are often marketed as parental and family tracking apps to help parents monitor their children, but they also come with the capability to track adults’ locations.

Behavioral tracking is an essential component of targeted advertising, and it’s how companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon make their money. These companies have your permission to use your phone’s location services, and they usually justify this by referring to their privacy policies or terms of service.

3. Get in Touch with Friends or Acquaintances

The best way to trace your personal whereabouts is to contact your friends and acquaintances directly. Getting in touch will let you see if they’re open to hanging out in person, and they’ll also know that you’re interested in becoming a deeper friend online.

Find out as much information as possible about the person you’re tracking, such as their last known address or work location. Then, search for them using Internet search engines. These websites can link them to social networks, blogs, professional networking sites and special interest groups. Their connections to these websites will let you track them.